Originally Posted by Mark.B
I realise that Jelsoft are acting responsibly and I appreciate that.
However, something like this surely requires a patch not a whole new version?
Those of us with modified boards are starting to find this totally unworkable. When the next major major release comes out the only hack I am having on it is the arcade. I really, really, do not have four hours to spare every couple of weeks to keep upgrading like this. At one time a release would last six months or more. Now it's a major achievement if it lasts 48 hours!
Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, the fact remains a better system than this is going to have to be found, or else the modification community, already a shadow of what it was some years ago, will all but die.
Ok then simply do not install hacks. vBulletin does not support you hacking your forum. They do not consider this when releasing updates. They release updates to fix bugs and security issues.
The next vBulletin release will I think help the modification community.