Originally Posted by fiber1
Question about adding extensions... If I add ".txt" or ".doc" when one clicks on the download link it opens in the browser. What changes need to be made to make it promt the save file to location window instead?
.TXT and .DOC open in the browser by default (in I.E anyway). The only way around this is if the person right clicked it and clicked "Save As"
Originally Posted by danrak
It looks good. I would love to use it. The only thing though is I have over 2 gigs worth of downloads, many of which are drivers, and maybe around 3,000 different files. Is there any way to mass add these?
This would be possible if the maker of the plugin added a scan-dir feature, meaning you choose the dir, and it scans the files and adds them automatically. The problem I see with that is actually giving the name, author, description etc of the files, but it'd save time I agree