Originally Posted by magnus
Also, let me make note.. I have no problem with modifying the hack or customizing it. In which case, one should gladly credit him/herself. I just don't feel that complete credit for the hack should be assumed.
I've run into a few instances of this, one of which I'm talking with the administrator about as we speak. In his case, it's a simple misunderstanding. He's been a initial contributor towards the hack. I'm referring more to the people who literally CLAIM credit, those who when confronted, will inexplicably claim it was their idea and code.
Ok, now THIS I think is directed at me and now I feel much better. I never intended for you to be denied proper credit Adam, and I think you know this to be true. Thank you for understanding and for taking the time to write what i think is one of the all-time best hacks evern done for VB.
LOL, we're posting on top of each other it seems.
You're a standup guy Adam and I never thought you were "being a prick", you were letting me know how you felt, and frankly you have handled this very well. You could have easily come on here and said "This SVTOA jerk is making it look like he wrote MY hack!"
No worries man, keep up the good work!