Just a quick note for those of you having problems with the page break code capitalizing similar words in your posts. I am in middle of finishing the next release and came across the problem (is obvious when you look at it!).
Though it will be fixed in the next release, if it bugs you feel free to make the following change:
open your includes/functions_geekarticles.php
PHP Code:
function prep_for_breaks($text){
global $GAS_page_break_code;
$text=eregi_replace("$strip_brackets", "$strip_brackets", $text);
return $text;
replace with:
PHP Code:
function prep_for_breaks(&$text){
global $GAS_page_break_code;
$text=eregi_replace("$strip_brackets", $GAS_page_break_code, $text);
return $text;
On a side note-Ill be looking for a handful of people to help test install the next version. Anyone game PM me.