Originally Posted by Xtrm2Matt
Hi there,
I can't be bothered to trail through 14 pages, but I've gone through the last 3 or 4 and I've noticed 1 thing about the extensions. If you want to upload different extensions other than .rar, .zip and .gz, simply do a search for ".rar" in the following files and you'll see this:
if ($lext != ".rar" && $lext != ".zip" && $lext != ".gz") {
$errors['message'] .= '<center>You may only upload .rar, .zip, and .gz</center><br>';
You can simply add more extensions by adding $lext != ".EXTENSION". Remember, add $lext != ".EXTENSION" && if your adding more than 1 extension.
:: Files To Edit ::
Thanks... I was just renaming my files to .jpg.zip so they'd be uploaded and then in the file title named the author .jpg so when they downloaded it, it read .jpg.zip :lick: