Hi there,
I can't be bothered to trail through 14 pages, but I've gone through the last 3 or 4 and I've noticed 1 thing about the extensions. If you want to upload different extensions other than .rar, .zip and .gz, simply do a search for ".rar" in the following files and you'll see this:
if ($lext != ".rar" && $lext != ".zip" && $lext != ".gz") {
$errors['message'] .= '<center>You may only upload .rar, .zip, and .gz</center><br>';
You can simply add more extensions by adding $lext != ".EXTENSION". Remember, add $lext != ".EXTENSION" && if your adding more than 1 extension.
:: Files To Edit ::
As a future release, would it be possible to edit these in the AdminCP rather than have to manually edit files?
I've had no problems installing this at all. However, when I upload the files.. no files are uploaded. It basically "makes" a 0kb file in the downloads dir.
A request: I have a number of files which are around 700MB each. Instead of uploading this via your "uploader" (this will be impossible anyway, it will simply timeout), I'm requesting the ability to link to the file but still be able to do the same as you can now (e.g. description, author etc), and also keep the URL still hidden.
An Error: You can simply not download. I get this error when I try downloading:
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
I'm sorry to be rude, great plugin, but it seems you've put too little effort into releasing something that we can install straight away. You say the phrases arn't needed? How can you even think about releasing a plugin without releasing the phrases as well? Some people may not mind, but I certainly do. I'd rather see a nice message saying "Thank you, your categorie has been added" rather than "Error: The phrase 'categorie_added' cannot be found because the author was to lazy to release it so please don't complain"..
Again, I hope my last comment didn't sound rude, it was intended to.