Wow read it all... but I didnt see answer for these questions or they were not clear to me... Please some one answer these for me.
the new updated file... can it...
protect folders (I dont want pepole downloading the mp3 files)
pagenation (you know page one page two)
what is the upload limit from the browser. I need to know. It is the only real reason for me to install it.
can users have a (radio station) like my own list. (play random or in order with in this list if it is possable)
can the player go thru random list or catagories. (keep playing)
I have installed wimpy on a customers site. I would like to know if I can use this instead of windowsmedia player.
Yes I know you do not know what it is or studdied it. but it takes a commandline. like winpy.php?
so if I got the line that goes to windowsmediaplayer this will make the site VERY powerfull since the site has it own custom player almost like but better.
Thank you.