Originally Posted by noppid
There should be a section in the readme for upgrading steps.
Hold off a little bit, I'm about to post an update to the upgrade script.
Cool, thanks.
I'm going to try and get it installed and functional tonight (at least to the pre-multiple garages level)
Going to check if you've posted that update now
Okay, update.... I've gotten it working as far as I know. I had to do some minor diggin through the install files to make sure it was all setup correctly from the previous Magnus 3.1.1 version. Ended up deleting the old templated, and using your installer to recreate them, since I'd heavily modified them from previously. Figured a clean slate was best. So far it all seems to be working correctly... going to dive in and look at the beta version of your multiple garages while I've got the site down for maintenence....