Originally Posted by H2k
ok there is something maybe u need to fix .. like in my board i always make my self invisble .. some time i dont like the member see me in the thread.. so
can u make that if the invisble user or who make him self invisble dont show .. only for admin like in who is online
it will show only for the admin
like this *Admin
It's been awhile since I looked at that particular function - but I believe that this hack respects the Invisibility flag, if I remember correctly...
Originally Posted by H2k
also if u can make a the color for the name it will be nice to know becz i havemake my board full of color for each groups..
As I said earlier, if the colors don't translate now - I may add that in a future version. However, my initial priority would be to include date/time stamps.
Originally Posted by H2k
and mabye this is good suggest
like u add
Admin {5} Admin6 {6} AdminD {18} this will be great i have see the saem this mod over at phpBB and IPB
it show for each user how many time they view  like Admin {80} this mean he view it 80 Time
there is a MOD in phpBB it show a full list
like who is online when u check u see all gust where member view topic etc..
the same in who view topic
it take them to anther page and it show how many time this user view this thread and many time he reply It is called Hoistry Topic or something like this .. it have alot of Extra ..
Having a full history is definitely a lot more involved. I'm reluctant to add that in, simply due to the strain that would cause for the server. But I might add that in as an Admin-configurable option in a future version.