Originally Posted by TonysDesigns
Yep it makes sense
Yes I am talking about the links thru the GAL sys.
EG Word usage: reviews (linked to http://www.makeuptalk.com/reviews)
This works FINE before I uploaded the modded file.
But why does it REMOVE links when I hit safe mode? I start a new thread with one word in it reviews with no spaces etc. Could this be that it's in the beginning of the sentence?
Hmm seems strange...but ok, let me fool with dangerous mode now...
Yea... no space if it is the first word.
However, you could try this workaround (havent done it myself but it would make sense:
in functions_showtherad.php replace:
PHP Code:
if ($gal_autotext){
if ($gal_setting['leading_space']==1){
$post['message']=preg_replace("<!--GAL_REMOVAL--> ","",$post['message']);
PHP Code:
if ($gal_autotext){
$post['message']=' ' . $post['message'];
if ($gal_setting['leading_space']==1){
$post['message']=preg_replace("<!--GAL_REMOVAL--> ","",$post['message']);
That would put a space before the message, replace... then trim the extra space back out.
Like I said - havent done it here but it should work.