Sorry guys, but we found a "bug" in the vB Stats.
We recieved complaints that people couldn't see who was browsing a thread. All they saw was themselves, but not the other people who were in the thread. The "Who's online" page showed that serveral more people were browsing the thread, but they didn't show in the thread itself.
Our programmer has spent two evenings troubleshooting this problem and we found the cause.
It's the image that is generated by the statistic_java.js and that is in the header of every page. This image executes a script to see what browser, os, resolution etc he is using. The problem is this:
1. The user is opening the page and is put in the session table of the vB database.
2. The image is being execute, the vB Stats are updated, but the user is removed from the session table because at this time he is not viewing a forumpage but a generic page caused by the execution of the javascript.
Result: the sessions table is not up to date and the user is not being shown browsing the thread.
A possible sollution for this problem is not to touch the session in the statistic_java_counter.php. You can probably make sure of that by not using global.php, but only mysql includes and config includes.
We solved our problem by removing the java image from our header, but the result is that some statistics are not being updated. We hope you can find a better solution by making some changes to the program.
S@NL - BlackBiker