Hi there. My problem is the same. An d I?ve integrated many Hacks into my board and I checked this installation a couple of times.
The hint one of the users on the board there gave me was: Hi Thoki: This was designed for version 3.03 so to make this work you will need to look at the vBulletinCMS.php file. Look at the code that is used to authenticate users on this file and compair it to you database. Ususally changing or adding some variable names fixes it. This is the only file you would have to edit to make this work with your board.
But IMHO there was no change in these variables? The test.php which came with the flashchat gave me the correct answers:
User id: 7
User info:
[id] => 7
[login] => just me :-)
[usergroupid] => 6
[roles] => 2
Is user: false
Is admin: true
So, I?m confused where to search....
Greets Thoki.