Originally Posted by carpefile
Is there a way to make this an option rather than a requirement once installed?
I am having a problem with new people joining and that they must choose a default bbcode when registering. Some of them have no clue even what bbcode is, so its throwing a wrench into my board growing.
Many of my existing users love it to death, so I am hoping something can be done besides uninstalling it.
Yes, edit the option and set "Field Required" to "No."
Limiting it to certain usergroups is beyond the scope of the built in vBulletin options for profile fields.
However, you can only choose to make it actual works for certain usergroups easilly.
Change the line at the end of my code:
PHP Code:
$post['message'] = $auto_bb_opentag . $post['message'] . $auto_bb_closetag;
PHP Code:
if (is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 123))
$post['message'] = $auto_bb_opentag . $post['message'] . $auto_bb_closetag;
should work. Just change 123 to the appropriate usergroup you want to enable it for.
As for not accepting hex values, let me fix that. Replace the regular expression with the updated one in the first post.