Originally Posted by fiber1
How would I run the queries if I have no table Prefix?
ALTER TABLE user ADD `cellprovider` VARCHAR( 8 ) NOT NULL;[/SQL]
[SQL]INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'pmreceived_celltxt', '$touserinfo[username], You have received a new private message at $vboptions[bbtitle] from $bbuserinfo[username].', 3000);
INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'pmreceived_celltxt', 'New Priv Msg at $vboptions[bbtitle]!', 4000);
INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'badcellnum', 'You have provided an invalid cell phone number. Please provide a United States of America cell phone number including area code and a seven digit number.', 1000);
INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'cellnummismatch', 'Your cell phone number provided does not match the confirmation cell phone number you provided, please go back and correctly fill in these fields.', 1000);
INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'cellnumtaken', 'The cell phone number you provided is already in use. If this is your cell phone number please contact your board''s administrator.', 1000);
INSERT INTO phrase (`languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES (0, 'invalidcellprovider', 'The cell phone provider you have provided does not exist or is not yet supported. Please contact your board''s administrator about this.', 1000);[/SQL]