Originally Posted by the nail geek
Careful with those find and replaces. There are not that many actual replacements. If you had a hack that previously altered showthread areas that GAS3 deals with, it could cause the problem you are mentioning.
My opinion is that something wasnt done right in the showthread modifications or another of your hacks is screwing up the GAS3 changes.
The only area that could really affect the $post variables is step 5.22 open showthread and do a search through that step and see if it matches correctly.
As per the password, I didnt think it was a such a sensitive issue to set me up a standard user account with style permissions. I was only trying to help.
Ok. I'll se wether I can come up with something substantial according to that one. I am quite new to vB, so I didn't know there is a way to allow stylemod rights if not an admin. I really didn?t mean to offend you and there is nothing mystical about my case. A plain hacked board doesent straight accept the hack - really nothing new on planet earth

I'll get back to this once I?ve had a chance to look at your pointed 5.22.