Originally Posted by ogetbilo
Is this working on 3.0.5 ?
For some reson this mod dose not work with me i use 3.0.6 and ihave many mod and hack installing in my board..
i try this one and it dont work .. the php and html and code.. is stillshowing .. any idea why this ..
i know that u are going to ask me .. i do not modify the php code.. in the bbcode.. but this code i have use it in 3.0..5 and it was work then after upgtade to the new v.. of vb 3.0.6 and i installing alot of mod hack then i try to install this one .. and it dont work with me .. everything is howing.
i have installing
Warn system
/you bbcode
and there is many other as well so i dont no if this is the reson or not..