Originally Posted by noppid
I phrased that wrong.
In the ACP code before the insert of $replace on action create, add the spaces at both ends of $replace. This way later when it's called to be looked for in a post to do a replacement, you are looking for Space bob Space instead of just bob which can be embedded in words.
"bob" can be found embedded in words.
" bob " is a stand alone bob.
ah... gotcha. I used to do that. It works... but the trade off is that the following doesnt get picked up with a trailing space:
The leading space is the best 2nd option. Where that fails is:
Bob at the start of a paragraph
or .Bob at the start of a sentence with no space (or other mark like ").
So, it is a bit of a trade off. If you want less likely to screw up links... add the spaces (I would add only one space). However in over 2 years of using this... I have only had about 3 screwed up links. Saying that... it could be more for sponsored links. Take eBay for example. You can autolink all ebays, however any user linking to
www.ebay.com would have their link broken.
Maybe an option is in order!
What do you guys think? Option to turn on leading space? Personally, I would opt out of training space becasue of punctuation issues.