Originally Posted by bad_madman
Oops. With update 2.3.2 come a new function for a better page-navi in the file 'admin\functions.php'. But no problem:
search in member.php for
$perpage = $numavatarshigh * $numavatarswide;
and inserting (!!!) the following lines under this
if (!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber==0) $pagenumber=1;
and search in member.php for
sanitize_pageresults($totalavatars, $pagenumber, $perpage, $perpage, $perpage);
and replace with
// sanitize_pageresults($totalavatars, $pagenumber, $perpage, $perpage, $perpage);
// $limitlower=($pagenumber-1)*$perpage+1;
// $limitupper=($pagenumber)*$perpage;
Believe me people been having this problem a lot, try this, cuz mine is up and going.. if you do what this part ^^^ up here tells ya.. then you should see you avatars AND you gotta put them in order as well, like if you have,
Avatar Misc 0
Avatar #2 0
You gotta put 1 then 2 then fix the order.. that should work as well.. and you have to put in the schemes too.. I hope that helps (blushes)