Originally Posted by trafix
hmmm, maybe it has something to do with the server settings cos i get the same error
maybe shoot off an email to your host tech
Originally Posted by spence2
Will do. Thanks again for your help.
Trafix, this was the response from my most excellent hosting company (alphaomegahosting.com):
I am going to add /var/tmp to your open_basedir directive to see if that takes care of the problem, though I'm still perplexed and wondering "why?" just like you are. Again, I don't understand what's broken. Like you posted at the forum, you can upload avatars, which the developer said used the same engine (or something like that... it's been a while since I read it) and even he seems to be confused about what is going on here.
Anyway, lets see what happens with this addition.
That fixed it!!! No more restriction errors.
Thanks again for your superb support of this hack and I hope this info will be a help to anyone else who might run into the same problem.