I read threw this entire thread and found my problem only stated once, but never found a fix for it stated afterwords, if there was one i appoligize for asking twice but here's my dilema:
When I upload files, i get the message "File Successfully Added", but the header puts out the error codes:
"WARNING: move_upload_file(home/public_html/downloads/GFX asdf basdft [].rar): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54"
"WARNING: move_upload_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpdy7S0I' to 'home/public_html/downloads/GFX asdf basdft [].rar' in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54"
I have my upload URL as: /home/public_html/downloads/
and my download URL as: /downloads/
the actual presence of the download is there, but when I click download to download it, it brings me to a 404 error page:
i downloaded release D and then updated to release E and still get these errors, all help would be appreciated.
Edit: Also one error I found, and this might be due to the error I stated above but, on the main page where it says 'X' files in 'X' categories, after I deleted all the files i supposedly uploaded, that setting did not reset, it still says I have 8 files in 1 categoy when i deleted them all.