Originally Posted by mrslugger
I've tried to get this to work, but if I try to add a feed it says "No file located at... whatever the url is"
Am I doing something wrong. I've put the url in exactly as it says and everything.
As I have the same problem on my vB3 Installation, I tried to find out the cause of those symptomps. The error your are reffering to is the :
Error: There is no file located at <i>$rss_path</i>
Which is on line 735, of articlebot_admin.php
The error is displayed when the following is true - if (!$rss = @file_get_contents($rss_path)) - Unfortunately, according to php.net, filget_get_contents requires
allow_url_fopen on php.ini script of your server to be turned ON. As this is a potential security risk, I really don't want to enable the wrapper for external files, so I didn't mess with my php.ini script. In addition,
magpie doesn't need fopen for getting RSS's contents.
So, I went to line 735 and commented out that check...
Problem solved, script works fine...