Where can I get smileys safely?
I want to add smileys. I see where you do that on the Admin CP, but I don't know where you find additional smilies or have them drawn.
1. How many smilies come with vb?
2. Are they all installed when vb is installed?
3. Lots of sites offer free smilies. Are those sites safe?
4. Are there people who create custom smilies?
5. What should I expect to pay for them?
6. Can you give me a step by step description of the installation process?
Answers to any of these questions would help. I haven't found a good article or thread that really explains smilies. Everyone seems to assume you know what you're doing? Not. I have an admin but I want to understand what this involves. And like most hacks, smilies would benefit from good discussion aimed at administrators and owners as well as programmers.