Originally Posted by dwh
I think I understood actions now. It's no big deal it just pulls outany templates that are defined (somewhere? init.php?) for that action.It's a "shortcut" but it doesn't make any difference as long as youpull out any template you use in globaltemplates you should be ok.Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'd still like to know about the $HTML thing though.
I'm using this code and to get images and javascript to load, I'm having to use ugly search-and-replace code that replaces
href=" with
src=" with
src="../forums/, etc.
There's got to be an easier way.
The huge problem I am running into now is that by including
global.php, and by extension
init.php, cookies are being established. That's not what I want. Is there a way to load templates without all that other stuff happening?
What I may need to do is create a cron task that dumps the evaluated contents of the templates I need to flat HTML files and then include those.