Ok, sorry for the inconvenience, please do this,
Select the whole thing you've added, REPLACE by this
PHP Code:
// Start banner rotating by Anhtuancool
if ($vboptions['enbanners'])
// select random banner and display it
$getbanner = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT adid, title, html, url, type, status, width, height FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "banners WHERE status = '1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
eval('$banner = "' . fetch_template('banner') . '";');
$avoidid = $getbanner['adid'];
// select random banner and display it secplace
$getbanner = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT title, html, url, type, status, width, height FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "banners WHERE status = '1' AND adid != $avoidid ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
eval('$banner2 = "' . fetch_template('banner') . '";');
// End banner