Well, last night I made this image scaling script, and then forgot what it was for... and then it dawned on me - it could be used for fixing the problem with some fixed skins where images that are posted that are too big mess up the skin... So, here's the script:
PHP Code:
// Scale Function
function scale($file) {
// Set Globals
$mw = 400; // Max Thumbnail Width
$mh = 400; // Max Thumbnail Height
// Get Initial Image Dimensions
$image = getimagesize($file);
$w = $image[0];
$h = $image[1];
// Calculate Thumbnail Dimensions
if ($w > $mw or $h > $mh) {
if ($w > $h) {
$tw = $mw;
$d = ($w / $mw);
$th = ($h / $d);
else {
$th = $mh;
$d = ($h / $mh);
$tw = ($w / $d);
else {
$tw = $w;
$th = $h;
// Display Image
echo"<img src=\"{$file}\" width=\"{$tw}\" height=\"{$th}\" border=\"0\">";
// Scale image.jpg
I assume you could just stick that in the BBCode interperator somehow... The only problem I could think of would be that forums can have multiple skins, but I'm sure there's a way to fix that... I don't remember why I decided to post this, but... uhh...
EDIT: Notice that I make alot of references to... "thumbnail" in the script. That's because it was originally a thumbnail script and then I sort of changed my mind about what it should do...