Each time I post some of the words are joined... thisisreallyapaininthe arss. Not sure if it's a vbulletin thing oravb.orgthing--haven'tchecked. just wanted to know if anyoneisexperiencingthis
I am using the wysiwyg, firefox, purple style
here's a good example of what I mean:
UpDATE: I just realized that this happens only when you have long lines.
this is ok this is not ok this is not ok this is not ok this is not ok this is not ok
this is not ok this is not ok this is not ok this is not ok thisisnotokthis is not ok this is not ok this is not ok this is not okthisisnot okthis is not ok this is not ok this is not ok this is notokthisis not okthis is not ok this is not ok this is not ok
Update: This is a bug here -- vb.com is ok.