Post Prefix
One of my forums is titled "Music, Movies, TV" for people to discuss... those topics... well anyway....
I don't want to overestimate the ability of my members to read before posting.... so this forum doesn't get cluttered I was wondering if there is a known way to make it so that a member has to pick an option from a drop down list before they can post....
Kinda like:
In the option box I would have like....
"[OTHER]" or whatever based on what kind of post they were making....
The tricky part is I want this to be exclusive to this one subforum, not to all my forums, and also... I want it to be a required field....
I think this is a lot like what has with like the hack forums where it lists what version of vB it's for in the title, and also in forumdisplay
I apologize in advance if this has already been requested
Edit: and contrary to my postbit I am running 3.0.3