Originally Posted by Dark_Wizard
ROFLMAO...you don't want to get into a pissing contest here...trust me. I looked at your coding very closely and I'll leave it at that, just do yourself a favor and don't make that comment again or I'll rip you apart.
Oh my god. Big bad nerdy boy is gonna rip me apart on vbulletin.org. Whatever shall i do. I dont really care what you think of my PHP or anything else I do.
The fact remains, I made a mistake, then you made it worse, period.
As I stated I was asked by several people for help since they know my work and I [wanted to help them out as I like doing that.
If you looked at the code and you know what your doing then you wouldnt have messed up. I believe you said yourself that you didnt even download it before you gave help the first time. I dont care if people asked you for help, PM them back with the help dont post it here and cause problems.
Originally Posted by Theory
Ugh.. I don't have an add button there. I must've installed something wrong. I'll do a reinstall =/.. even tho I don't know what I could've messed up on..
You should. Hrm. Are you logged in? What do you see at the top of the page? You should see a navigation panel and there is an add button on that.