When will this feature be added?
next release
His site wasn't working...he PM'ed me and I looked at his errors both prior to my updates and including your updates. He is also using table prefixes and your code doesn't allow for it in most places.
Page was displayed before. There was one minor error with the SQL. Now his entire installation is ++++ed. Thats your fault, not mine. I made a mistake, then you made it worse, and now I cant fix it. I am going to speak with him on MSN and give him step-by-step instructions. Next time dont offer support if you arent 100% sure it will work. It just causes problems.
my problem after upgrade was also could not dl files uploaded fine but no dl played with this "Setting the 'download url' this is the path from the domain, i.e. '/downloads/'
i thought it was path /home/domains/bla/bla/downloads/ it was not its just '/downloads/' now all working 100% thanks ronni great little hack!!!
Glad to hear it.
How can the admin access the download area? If I create new usergroups is there something I need to edit to allow them access as well?
Edit your user groups...
"Category" is misspelled (your spelling is catagory)
I will fix the spelling next release (its only like that on part of the admin section... the majority of the mod is OK.