Move and selectable mass-move hack request
Hi there.
It would be nice if somebody could make one or both hacks for VB 3.0.6
1.) I want to move threads from one forum to several other.
But every time I moved a thread, I also get into the forum the thread is moved to, and that's annoying when you are not ready moving and reading threads in the original forum.
At this moment for example, I have a forum which needs to be split up. It contains lots of threads, which will be moved to several other forums.
I can't use the mass-move function because I can't use the criteria.
So I would like to move threads, but stay myself in the forum from which the threads are moved.
2.) Even more beautiful would be a mass-move hack, in which threads to move could be selected. So you can select (for example) 3 threads click a "move to" button and move them all at once to one forum, and after that click 6 other posts and move them to another forum.
I know I saw such mass-move option in some php boardsoftware (phpBB?) but I don't remember which one for sure. In any case I suggested such selectable mass-move option in
But at this time, there isn't either of both options except a mass-move from the admin panel which needs criteria which can not be used with the above example.
Would be very nice if somebody could make a hack like one of these above, or if there already is one (but I couldn't find it yet).