Hello, is there any way, that i can make even my registered users, connect to IRC through this client, with custom names?
I mean take all names like Guest_??? and not keep their registered nicknames.
The reason i am asking that, is that many of the nicknames, of the users have in forum, are already registered in IRC, and then when the users connect, they dont provide the password, and they get disconnected.
So the question is, if i can make a rule, that all the users(guests or registered), could connect with a default nickname like Guest_???
If the answer on the above is yes, can u tell me a way to correct the help page(is there a page which i could change it?).
Finally, i assume that commands like /nickname xxxx(where xxx a custom nickname) work through the client yes? I ask that, so i can write on the custom help page i want to make, directions so they could take a new nick or ever register them)
Thank you very much in advance, congrats on this very good hack