FYI, I'm from North eastern India.. where tigers roam free ? Elephants ? snakes? heyenas ? foxes ? perhaps if you havn't heard ? Tropical rainforests with significant animal population maybe ? You think coyotes killing cattle is that bad ?..try pythons wrapping sheep :roll: and neither do we consume bovine creatures because killing the dumb because they are dumb means nothing more than we are dumb. If you find that offensive then I'd suggest you get over yourself. Logic is logic, life is life. And dear sir, you have no idea of the definition of peace. If you did, then you'd know the 1st step towards attaining peace is to attain peace with the environment and its elements. Not earn a profit out of it.
Humans are sentient beings, they operate on a higher level of INTELLIGENCE. ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY WE ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM ANY OTHER MAMMAL ?
I have eaten hamburgers, I have had chicken dinner, and yes, we even had a hencoup, cattle milking stands and even a swan pond right under our homes.
But at the same time WE HAD CATS , DOGS AND PREYING BIRDS. The animals under our care are our responsibility. We've had cat attacks and dog attacks. Not once did we kill a SINGLE ONE.
Read the statement carefully. We've had cat attacks. ! But 3 months down the lane, those same cats were our pets. How ? Natural law again, give any animal it's satisfactory objective aslong as long as it's capable of having a history to be domesticated, it can be done. We FED THOSE CATS. WE FED THOSE CATS SO FAT THEY WERE SPOILT ROTTEN TILL THE POINT THEY STARTED PLAYING WITH THE BIRDS ! Don't believe me ? pity I didn't have a digicam to take a picture of thoes cats frolicking with some of those birds..
Cats are proud creatures, treat them with pride and they will live a life of pride to serve the same who treat them. Dogs on the other hand are dependent or totally wild. Cats ALWAYS have a side that can be domesticated to ones benefit.
It's a different story you've never even tried that in your life, but then again..I wouldn't expect any traditional east Indian to walk up and explain natural selection to everyone.
All I'm saying is they're simply animals each with their qualities. One can achieve much more when living in harmony with them than rather fighting them. All they want is food, thats all they want. simple.
I know what it's like to lose the animals one raises since their birth, we just kept a tighter watch over everything because we dont believe in killing a dumb creature for being accord to their own nature. I'm not trying o start a fight, I'm just saying hunting animals suffer too. Thats all.