Originally Posted by Deviant++
If we went about killing every animal that hurt us, how different are we from any other dumb animal.
MAN I can't believe people still think like this in the 21st century. GOD. !!
There's a reason why they put away cats somewhere in a home or just away from where they can do harm!! YOU DONT JUST GO KILLING ANIMALS LIKE THAT !!!!!!!
I've had 42 cats total since I was a kid and they've killed equally numerous creatures but WE TRAINED THEM. WE TRAINED THEM. YOU CANNOT GO KILLING ANIMALS LIKE THAT MY GOD!!!!!!! KANGAROOS IN AUSTRAIA, CATS in urban cities and DOGS IN CENTRAL ASIA ???
GOD I hope you people find peace one day. Where I come from, killing a dumb hungry creature which killed another means no more than that person is no different from any other inhuman creature. Period. Thats why we have brains and education for crying out loud.
If you saw the amount of misery small animals have to go through because of people like you.. :angry: who think your bigger than natural selection, and people like me and my family have to work hours to nurse those same animals back to health....it's not funny. In this case you can't fight fire with fire.. period. I'm ashamed at how people respect little of the world they live in.
Who said anything about an urban city?
You need to get off your soap box. I have found peace., I grew up on a farm were coyotes killed cattle, etc. You are so far off it is frightning. It is called protecting your lively hood. Get over yourself.
Humans killing animals is not natuaral? Where are you from? You ever eat a hamberger, chicken dinner, etc? Or are they not animals? If you want to get technical humans are mamals too.. Oh wait you say that in your next sentance.. LOL
So one second you say that cats hunting is natural and you should lock them away, and then you state you trained them. So you trained the hunter right out of them huh?
Yea I believe that.. NOT.