silly question but in your file you do have $newpost['message'] = $vbgarage['text']; right?
here's an example of me doing what you want to do
PHP Code:
// get message
$newpost['message'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($groupinfo['pagetext']);
// get the checked option for auto subscription
$emailchecked = fetch_emailchecked($groupinfo);
if ($previewpost)
// if we're previewing why do we need to edit the reason?
$newpost['reason'] = $edit['reason'];
else if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] == $postinfo['edit_userid'])
// Only carry the reason over if the editing user owns the previous edit
$newpost['reason'] = $postinfo['edit_reason'];
$groupinfo['username'] = iif($groupinfo[edit_username], $groupinfo[edit_username], $groupinfo[username]);
$groupinfo['postdate'] = iif($groupinfo[edit_dateline], vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $groupinfo[edit_dateline]), vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $groupinfo[dateline]));
$groupinfo['posttime'] = iif($groupinfo[edit_dateline], vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $groupinfo[edit_dateline]), vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $groupinfo[dateline]));
// if this is a mod edit, then log it
if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] != $groupinfo['userid'] AND can_moderate($groupinfo['forumid'], 'caneditgroups'))
$string = construct_phrase($vbphrase['group_x_edited'], $groupinfo['title']);
$modlogsql[] = "($bbuserinfo[userid], " . TIMENOW . ", $groupinfo[forumid], $groupinfo[threadid], $groupid, '" . addslashes($string) . "')";
$stylevar[imgdir_editor] = "" . $vboptions[bburl] . "/" . $stylevar[imgdir_editor] . "";
$smilie['smiliepath'] = "" . $vboptions[bburl] . "/" . $smilie[smiliepath] . "";
// $smilie['smiliepath'] = preg_replace('#$smilie[smiliepath]#', "$vboptions[bburl]/$smilie[smiliepath]", $smilie[smiliepath]);
construct_edit_toolbar($newpost['message'], 0, $groupinfo['groupid']);
i got a bit confused with your file as you had the construct_edit_toolbar() and then you were playing around with the $newpost array after that.