cinq requested me to code the following
Originally Posted by cinq
Possible to also do one "Auto Close thread after 100 posts and create a new one with the same title" ( but append a part X to it where X is 2 if the new post created has been branched once, 3 if branched twice and so on .. ) and with the first post of this new thread to have the content : " In continuation of this previous thread here: XX )" where XX is the link to the previous closed thread ?
I can code it however i think that on the first run it would put the server under huge stress especially if there is a heap of threads over 100 posts and 2 as it will split every thread it could require quite a bid of cosmetic sergery deleting auto generated threads split from old threads that havnt been replied to for ages.
whats your thoughts .... would this hack be of any use to you?