Ok im awake after a sleep to answer your q's
@ Deviant
The whole install seems to have gone on perfectly but I don't see any block on the left..
this is what I see in the forum windows..
is there supposed to be a line like that ?
No .... did you have the previous version installed? ... if yes clear your chache, i had the same problem when i upgraded a clients site.
@ quachvu
Click on the rating stars
i receive a email informing a new upload of file, but in Subject of email there is the following message : "Could not find phrase 'jb_emailadmin'."
please search for 'jb_emailadmin' in your phrase manager there should be 2 of them, 1 in the email body and the other in the email subject phrase groups
@ yoyoyoyo
can you add an option in the next version to not allow uploads, but only allow submission of a valid URL to the jukebox? I have none of the songs actually on my server - I just enter valid mp3 and midi links and it plays them just fine. I do not want to fill up the server with songs (or use my bandwidth doing so) so a URL only submit option would be excellent!! (and also may be even more "legal" than serving them yourself)
yes the installer will run as an upgrade and will install fine, i tested that in a client site and all worked well, as for the url link ... i will look at it in the next version
@ The Realist
Just upgraded to the new version and I can upload the songs ok but none show up in the jukebox on the forum?
Also the rate etc links dont work.
Yes all songs uploaded from the user end by default are not active ... i added this cos i wanna know what ppl are lostening to ... in the admin track list you can preview a song by clicking on its title. .... there is NO auto aprove here cos i dont think its safe
@ spence2
Two questions that may seem dumb, but I don't mind that:
Does this hack use vB attachments in any way?
Are there players involved in playing either the music or the video? Like Real Player or Windows media?
1) NO it dosnt use the attachment system at all, because we are using media files i dont think the sql database could handle it so all media is uploaded to a folder in your forums root folder
2) The jukebox uses embeded tag and by defult the windows media player is used to play the media
A quick question, just before install...
How legit is this? I mean, can the user download the songs right? This is bad i think
Apart from that, excellent hack
Its up to your own descression here

.... all midi files are fine to use in your jukebox
Original material that has not been released is also fine as long as you get permission from the artist ... IE ... the next door neighbour who plays piano before you upload it
@ all
Ist great to see all these replies, dont forget to click install

... i would love to see this one on next months HOTM