Originally Posted by the nail geek
TCB - Hey King. Some of these are pretty do-able. Ill break them down here:
1 - The images are not hard to display like that, however the descriptions raise a slight problem.
I can easily alter the table to accept a description field (easy enough) but I really hate altering default tables (its always been my practice to make as little disruption as possible to existing systems which makes upgrades and things much easier).
I guess my question is - how critical is the description? Would you be happy with attachments displayed as you requested for a Phase 1 or Phase 2 and have the descriptions as a phase 3 or 4?
It's a feature I can totally live without. It was just a fun request, but really not essential
Originally Posted by the nail geek
2- More visual way of rating article. Don't think this is too much of a problem. I looked into this originally when Geek Articles only changed the postbit and it wouldnt work there. Now that it is changing Showthread, it should be a bit o cake (Is there a better way that you can think of doing it than simply copying vBarticles?)
I like the v3articles way, but it depends of the template/skin the messageboard is using I guess.
Originally Posted by the nail geek
3- Think that shouldnt be a big deal. What if it isnt an image  ? What if the attached media is a zip file?
Perhaps a check that will take the first attached image?
Originally Posted by the nail geek
4- I already have the byline function running on the demo I linked to in the first post. If a byline is included, the 'written by username' is omitted and the byline is used. I will most likely add a 'posted by username' when this happens and I am still debating to remove the avatar or not (maybe replace it with the thumbnail if applicable?)
Well, that's simply fantastic
Originally Posted by the nail geek
5- The summary will be a phase 2 kind of thing. I have it in place, but I am still juggling how to have users enter it.
My Q to you would be: Does it need BB code ability? Whats the character count looking like (a simple 255 or does it need to be a BLOB field?)? Does it need to be searchable? Does it need to appear on the first page of the article?
I think that codes like bold and cursive are more needed than smilies. But since it's only a 'featured article' display (using the summary?), plain text will do (along with the thumbnail).
Originally Posted by the nail geek
6- As per the demo I linked to - I have sorted the multipage option... however:
I could do the page break option instead. Which is more intuitive? One long butt honkin article that gets truncated between page breaks or entering a new post for each page?
I don't really like the breaking article into posts option (don't see the benefit for it). Breaking it in multiple pages will give it a more professional look (with the comments only visible on the last page?).
Originally Posted by the nail geek
7. Thats a good point though it really really depends on the users design. I can look into making something like an optional sidebar for a phase 2 or phase 3 as it wouldnt be difficult to do.
Great news. I have checked many vbulletin boards and many are quite width. Compared with websites with articles the current layout (using the whole width of the forum) is a bit too much for most of the boards that I've visited.
Originally Posted by the nail geek
Both vBarticles and (as far as I can see) Cinqs systems seem pretty comprehensive and cool. I dont mind borrowing and trying to improve on some of their ideas, but I dont want to just recreate something that has already been done well. If there are any fresh and new ideas, Im am game to hear them
Thanks guys.
No thank YOU
The biggest advantage of your mod is that articles are archived, searchable, clearly part of the messageboard and all permissions and other forum setups still work.... Looking forward to future updates and plans