Not to long ago
cschuck3 from these forums requested that we (vbcore) do a complete custom vBulletin skin for him and a lot of other custom work/coding. The project was pretty big, he was going to pay about $5,800.00 for a complete forum design and a lot of custom modifications. EVERYTHING was complete on his website (
www.minimotocity.com) and he failed to pay. The design is below that we came up for him
His request thread was found here:
Everything that he requested, was 100% Complete.
The design was fully coded just how it looks on the screenshot and 100% complete. For WEEKS he was telling me he was going to pay me, and I have not received the money yet. Not to long ago I was forced to take down the website and delete the forum Database (CIHost Told me to) (His host) What I am doing is just warning the community not to fall for Charles Schucks tricks, he will talk to you like a friend, and then never pay you. Honestly, I probably put in over 200 hours worth of design and coding work on minimotocity.com, and i can not ever get that time back, and probably turned down over $5,000.00 worth of work. I just do not want to see anyone else go through what i did and dont want you to end up wasting your time.
Do not trust him!
Chat logs available upon requests.
He also Tells people that he is in the BBB in Minnesota, yet I contacted them and they said that they have never heard or have no records of "Charles Schuck" being a member of the BBB.