im tring to get other conditions to forums and i got little problem
i copied part of code from forum.php (admincp dir)
any way i have tried to do something like :
PHP Code:
$forumid = "3"; // just exsample
$forum = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
$DB_site->query(fetch_query_sql($forum, 'forum', "WHERE forumid=$forumid"));
and i got this error :
PHP Code:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
forumid = '3',
styleid = '0',
title = 'warcraft privte forum',
description = '',
options = '3783',
displayorder = '1',
daysprune = '30',
newpostemail = '',
newthreademail = '',
parentid = '-1',
parentlist = '3,-1',
password = '',
link = '',
childlist = '3,-1',
depth = '0',
permissions = 'Array',
active = '1',
allowposting = '1',
cancontainthreads = '1',
moderatenewpost = '0',
moderatenewthread = '0',
moderateattach = '0',
allowbbcode = '1',
allowimages = '1',
allowhtml = '0',
allowsmilies = '1',
allowicons = '1',
allowratings = '1',
countposts = '0',
canhavepassword = '0',
indexposts = '0',
styleoverride = '0',
showonforumjump = '0',
warnall = '0'
WHERE forumid=3
mysql error: Unknown column 'depth' in 'field list'
now i cant find depth on forum table on db
on forum.php this query works fine so what might be the problem ?
please help...