Originally Posted by 1shot1kill
I would like the members on the board i run to show their xfire profile picture in their profile on our board, what i would like is a box where they can enter their xfire name and it will automaticly show their xfire profile pic on their profile on our board, is this possible?
Info about the profile picture can be found on xfire, though this explains all of it:
How do I access my Miniprofile?
To embed your miniprofile into any web page, use the following HTML: <a href="http://profile.xfire.com/USERNAME"> <img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/USERNAME.png" alt="USERNAME Xfire Miniprofile" border=0> </a>
To embed your miniprofile into a PHPBB signature (ie, in forums), use the following BBcode:
[url=http://profile.xfire.com/USERNAME][img]http://miniprofile.xfire.com/USERNAME.png[ img][ url]
In either case, replace USERNAME with your Xfire username (your original username with all lowercase letters and numbers, not your nickname). These sets of code will display your Xfire miniprofile, as well as link the image back to your Xfire profile so anyone can get your full Xfire information!
Ofcourse i removed the 2 /'s i nthe end tags so it would show the code and not the picture.
You can do that without modifying the code.
What you'll need to do is add a custom profile field named xfire username, and build that into your templates.