no, i didn't post an email because i rarely get any responce from people whe it comes to email so yeah. anyways has to bring
down, and FOREVER! of course you can take down a site for a day or 2 but you actually got make them take it down for good. Thier forum alone i think has somethign like 1000 members, and what ive heard after doing my research is taht its only been up for like 1-2 weeks. i dont like to put up with this crap and they are robbing you of your software. If you guys dont stop it, noone will
btw, please mod's and admins dont delete or edit this post. i put the sites in code, therefore anyone without a vb liscence can't read where they themselves can pirate this software, i made it strictly so that only the people who have purchased can get mad at them