Originally Posted by ogetbilo
Andrew just a quick question. Both in 1.45 and 1.41 i cannot find the correct monitor dir 
I tried http://download.ayyas.com - /home/xxxx/public_html/download - /public_html/download but none of them worked. Can you just give an example for that ?
The feature is not available in 1.41.
In 1.45 and beyond, *monitor_dir* depends on *local_file_root*.
With local_file_root=0, monitor_dir is relative to the website root, e.g. /members/docs/ should sweep docs. (With 1.50 and above, /members/docs/* will also sweep all subdirs. ) I've tried this on both my Windows test box and our main webserver which is a Sun box, running a rather old version of Solaris.
With local_file_root=1, the setting is relative to the file root, e.g. d:/websites/thissite/members/docs/ on Windows. Not sure about this setting on a unix m/c - that's not something I know l much about.