dont figure - as 5.10 meg is not 5.10 kb
maybe its classing them as KB when there cleary not.
the total above in your thread is 902kb which is well below 1 meg yet in the downloads stats its doing em right - 2 files which make up 6 megs
also yep can upload files to a mx of 8 megs as set the max_upload to it.
Ok look at this :
Stats before :File Upload: 8 - Total Upload: 901 KB
Now im just about to upload a rar which is 1.35 MB
File Upload: 9 - Total Upload: 902 KB
so looking at that i think ive solved the problem its only counting the first attachement which in most cases is small preview pics of maps but this time i uploaded the rar without a pic and it never counted it at all