Originally Posted by AndrewD
There were no significant changes to the install script between 1.45 to 1.50, so I suspect that you either didn't upload the new install script or missed one of the steps of the script. Step 1 checks the database tables and record the new version number; step 2 upgrades the templates. AS you say, simply resetting the version number on the admin page works (for this upgrade at least) because there were no database changes.
Have a look on the admin page - if the text describing the force_redirect setting reads "1: redirect regardless of filetype (quicker/less bandwidth but file location visible and no header control).');" then you didn't run the latest script. It should read "1: use browser redirect regardless of filetype (quicker/less bandwidth but file location visible and no header control); 2: standard html hyperlink (file location visible, no checking, no hit counting).');"
It's the first one. So it seems that the install script didn't run correctly.
The install script is the newest one, I checked it at least 3 times.
// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'local_links_install');
define('THAT_SCRIPT', '../local_links');
define('ADMIN_SCRIPT', '../local_links_admin');
define('THIS_VERSION', '1.50');
There is also the right Version but it seems as if nothing gets assumed. Don't know why.