Originally Posted by sv1cec
Stupid question, but when you upgraded from ZT's hack, did you run the upgrade script? This script should create all your templates for you. However, I have no idea what happens if you are not using the default style, I think this has been covered somewhere in the beginning of this thread. Also, I think ZT has a hack out which allows you to copy the templates to all styles or something. If the problem comes from this issue, I cannot help, I do not know how that works.
Sorry! :-(
I sure did run the upgrade script.
I think I have found the problem as well.
I completely redid the hack just a few moments ago (whew!) and when running the upgrade script I run step 1, everything is fine, I run step 2 and TADA! I have the templates, then I run step 3 and poof! the templates are gone.
I have got around this by running the upgrade all the way through (to get the database updates), then re-running it and stopping after step 2 so the templates are not removed.
Now no blank pages!