Originally Posted by sifuhall
Thanks for the reply.
I do not see the templates. I did a search all templates for the word warn and it only returned board_inactive_warning, memberinfo, navbar, polloptionn_table, postbit, and postbit_legacy (the seach was in all styles and search titles only was set to no).
The blank page occurs when I try to warn from a post or from the memberinfo page.
And yes, my default style is a child style
Stupid question, but when you upgraded from ZT's hack, did you run the upgrade script? This script should create all your templates for you. However, I have no idea what happens if you are not using the default style, I think this has been covered somewhere in the beginning of this thread. Also, I think ZT has a hack out which allows you to copy the templates to all styles or something. If the problem comes from this issue, I cannot help, I do not know how that works.
Sorry! :-(