as i stated, i wanted it to be a thread view, (hence asking about how to make it look like the forum) sorry if i wasn't clear enough..
i just wanted it to act, for instance the same as "articles" this is the best way i could think of setting it out...
it'll have [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] in a bar
and when you click on a letter all of the definitions for that letter will come up!
then when you click on the "ashtray" link it'll take you to a thread like view with the definition..
?? follow??
ps. i'm sorry i lost the plot, was just getting fed up with it not working the way i wanted it too.. i scrapped the previous attempt and will be a bit calmer and ask for help

i can't bevelie i make coporate fully interactive php styled secure sites, but i'm having trouble with this!
please someone either help me, or shoot me