If someone can help me i have a "little" problem.......
the hack works lovely, but the "todaymaxonline" will be resetted day by day.... i dropped the todaymaxonline in my datastore, but the first time a user(or me) makes a refresh on the main page(so the who was online is called by index.php) the todaymaxonline in datastore is updated(or created again if before i dropped it)... i know is right that the datastore must be updated anytime someone call the index.php, but damn! it should register the max online record and the date of it!
if i drop the todaymaxonline into datastore and i run the hack query i will get back this error
Error: 1062 SQLSTATE: 23000 (ER_DUP_ENTRY) Message: Duplicate entry '%s' for key %d
im not a sql expert, so
if someone can help me ill promise ill pay him a fresh and cool beer :up:
thanks for your attention