Thanks. Didn't notice that. But, my chat program is identifying users as $fileusername instead of the vb usernames. I think, it has to do with the fact that my Hubz chat is not located within the vbulletin forum directory. It is in the web root, alongside vbulletin. (./hubz/ and ./vb/ ; not ./vb/hubz/)
Would I code this change into the phpinclude_start templates, or, into the Hubz chat javascript, the relevant line of which is the following:
document.write{" <param name = nickname value = '$fileusername'>");
And what change would that be, for Hubz to call within the vbulletin directory?
I think you can see now why $fileusername is showing in my chat window; it can't seem to find the phpinclude_start to pull up the member's user name from the database.
Thanks! Appreciate the help.