Originally Posted by belindaj
From a post back on page 23 or so - an answer to the question of how to increase the number of lines shown in the main chat window past the default 15. I did it and it worked perfectly. Now I just need to keep digging through the past posts here and find the trick to slow that refresh down.
Unless ZT shows up, I guess we are on our own so lets stick together and make improvements.
I changed 15 to 30 and got rid on the scroll bars in the window! I had made a mod for this from elsewhere in this thread and it didn't work. Now it does!
As to refresh,
edit the template "chat_main"
Change the 8000 to what you want it to be.
8000 = 8 Seconds, Thus 10000 = 10 Seconds.
Currently, I'm using 10.